Super and thorough , great value online course!
I have had barefoot horses in my life for some 10 years; not that this course was only applicable to those without shoes, I mention it as I feel that because of the ‘hoof status’ of my three horses, I took an especial amount of interest in their management as a whole- diet and turn out regime and work regime, in order to maximise hoof health. This included research into local equine podiatrist- Mine is great , a real geek who fascinates me with related info each time he comes.
I was under the misapprehension that I knew a fair bit on the subject, yet It was only with my acquisition of a companion pony who had ridges on his hooves, a short choppy stride, fat pads , all symptoms of laminitis, that I felt I needed to increase my understanding and explore how I could help him more. For me, the style of this course was super: I love books however how effectively I fully understand concepts contained within and thus learn from them, I’m not that convinced .
The Laminitis Warning Signs course included straight forward online modules to work through individually, combined with weekly live discussion and Q&A sessions , via video link. In these ,Deb gave her time most generously and spoke to members of the course about any particular aspects of the course as well as queries about their own horses. The interaction between all members was a great aspect as others may have asked questions that you hadn’t even thought of asking.
In addition, simply learning alongside others who want to further their knowledge is great, especially for those of us who prefer to keep horses free to wander, not necessarily on grass , rather than stabled for over 12 hours at a time, obviously depending on restrictions at individual yards etc. Being a barefoot horse owner is still not that mainstream where I am and as I don't feel the need to either justify my choices to others nor feel it’s my place to attempt to convert them, it is sometimes quite a lonely metal and molasses free existence.
This course gave me more information than I had imagined it would, in fact doing the course made me realise how little I actually did know. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend the course at all . I know have a much more thorough understanding of laminitis and how I can more effectively manage my horse with low grade laminitis, a diagnosis I have always been reluctant to accept, as he was, in my mind simply ‘a little footy’! That, I now realise is not something to be accepted or ignored.
Laminitis Warning Signs Course
Great course. Each lesson was the right amount of information to be able to lick and chew and then move onto the next. I feel I can identify the signs of LGL and am able to take an appropriate course of action. Being quite new to horse ownership I think the most important thing I learned is how key diet , well actually nutrition management is.
Worth the Investment
So many courses, so little time (and money?). But this one was well worth it. Whether or not you are concerned your horse's laminitis risk is high, this course provides many "aha" insights. It also offered a number of facts I had never heard or read before but which filled in little gaps in my understanding. Debs' approach is straight forward and she is very responsive to questions and specific concerns.
Fantastic, really informative and supportive course. Taught me a huge amount in terms of hoof structures, laminitis symptoms and interdependencies between them and diet and environment. Most importantly, gave me enough knowledge to think for myself, interpret what my horses are telling me and manage them in a more informed and proactive way. Fab job Debs!
This course has definitely made me more aware of the signs to look for before acute laminitis hits. Both my horses ended up with laminitis and I don't ever want to have to watch any of them go through that again. This course has given me the confidence to know what to look for. It was well worth the money time and effort for me!!!
Well worth doing this course
I wish I'd known all of this information you've provided in this course before, I could have definitely prevented my mare from getting laminitis. I certainly know what to look out for now.
Absolutely brilliant course
My pony has been suffering with laminitis on and off for the past 5 years. I could not find the cause and wasnt sure if it actually was laminitis all of the time. Thankfully I found this course and Debs and have not looked back. I now know all the things I should be looking for to try to prevent it happening again. The course was well paced and easy to understand. Working full time I was able to complete it easily . The live chat session each week was really helpful with chance to ask lots of questions. Nothing is ever too much trouble for Debs and she is very knowledgable , I’m so glad I found her and her education centre. Looking forward to the next course.
Eye opening course - a must for any horse person looking to be better informed about horses' well being
I took this course more for education purposes, as I am lucky not to have had to deal with laminitis (or so I thought) . It opened my eyes to so many minor things that I was missing and helped pull many bits of information around the horses whole health and environment together. This course is about so much more than feet - it will take you on a whole journey of understanding the horses' complete environment and its potential impacts. Debs is completely down to earth in her approach making the complexities easy to understand. I will keep coming back to the materials to keep the all the variables fresh in my mind. If you have a horse that suffers from laminitis, this course is a must.
You made taking Dan barefoot, stress free.
My number 1 concern was not having enough knowledge to see laminitis coming. I feel I do now.
I would recommend this course to anyone who is listening.
I’d recommend the course to every single horse owner
My number 1 concern was how to keep 17hh of horse from having tummy issues, which caused his feet to flare and lose all semblance of heel and concavity. That pretty much remains my concern, except I now have a better plan.
I give much more thought and understanding to my horse’s hooves now.
Well …… now I’m looking at things a little different!!
I didn’t realise just how important the hoof is and how much information about my horse’s health I can get from the hooves.
The mechanics on the inside are awesome and some of the structures are so delicate but so strong learning all about their functions is a must for any horse owner.
I was NOT disappointed
I was really interested in learning more about hooves and all the internal structures and how they are affected by different external factors and of course...the dreaded laminitis!!!